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Kia Headlight Replacement Service in St. Louis

Open Today! Service: 7am-6pm Call us at: 314-595-4900

Headlight Replacement Service at St. Louis Kia Service Center

Even during daylight driving, it is important to have functioning headlights. Besides nightfall, inclement weather can show up, and quality headlights will be needed in order to see your path and other drivers.

Lou Fusz KIA Certified Service Center - Headlight Replacement Service

When it is Time to Repair or Replace the Headlights

When it comes to headlights, having a broken one isn’t the only issue that a headlight could face, although it is significant and should be treated as soon as possible. Headlights could also face significant rocks, salt and debris and eventually produce dimmer beams. Corroded wires can also fade lights and make an off-yellow shade. Moisture can also creep into the headlights to create foggy or cloudy lights. Not only will the amount of light be reduced, but with the lights working harder, they could burn out faster. If the lights flicker, it is likely due to a battery issue or something electrical related like faulty wiring. The issue will unlikely work itself out and then later stop working outright. Another issue is if your bulbs burn out too quickly. Although lights do eventually burn out naturally, quicker burnouts could be connected to an electrical issue, a corroded socket or moisture.

Headlight Replacement Service Available

If you notice any of these issues on your headlights, visit the professionals at Kia Service Center St. Louis. Our trained technicians can diagnose the issue, provide the best options and repair or replace your headlights in order for you to see the road and other drivers safely. Schedule an appointment today!

Lou Fusz Kia 38.6757171, -90.4075166.